Wednesday, September 12, 2012

September Preview – Inflatable Pavilions, Spider Tents, and Domes

In our last post, dear readers, we left you with a brief introduction to September’s unique assortment of promotional inflatable pieces.  In this introduction, we talked just a smidgen about giant inflatable pavilions, spider tents, domes, archways, and entryways. In today’s blog post, we’d like to give a brief overview of each piece.  In further posts, we are going to go into more detail.

Monday, September 10, 2012

September Promotional Opportunities from Inflatable Design Group – Outdoor Inflatables

This September, welcome in the fall season with outdoor inflatables suitable for your company’s promotional needs.  Things are starting to cool down, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to bundle up inside.  There are still plenty of great opportunities your company can take advantage of when it comes to promoting your products and services.  This month, we are continuing to feature outdoor inflatables such as archways, entryways, spider tents, pavilions, and domes.