The excitement is exploding as football is coming soon to a start. In less than 20 weeks the whistle will blow and the 2014 NFL season will come to a start. Everyone is getting ready, whether its the players in their training camp, the coaches and their endless hours of film or the fans with their apparel supporting their team of choice. However, the excitement doesn't fully go to the NFL, there are many kids preparing for their high school season as spring football is starting soon. Of course, not to be forgotten, the NCAA, college football as they never take a day off preparing for the long awaited Game-Day. When the pads come on, the prayer and pump up are said and finally the amazing feeling of running out of the incredibly designed 10-foot tall, 20-feet long inflatable tunnel leading on to the home field shun on by the unforgettable Friday, Saturday, Thursday, Monday or Sunday night lights.

We at IDG could not be more excited! With a new season, new apparel, new uniforms, new everything, we have to stay updated. We are more than ready to tackle anything in our path, with an amazing design team and many eyes watching every single one of our products, we only deliver the best. We want every player who is giving their all on the field, the weight room and even the film sessions that we are doing our best as well. We are carefully designing the giant inflatable tunnel, logo, helmet or entryway to the very specifications given. With many option plays to go with to enter the field on that long-awaited Game day, no one can go wrong. Our Giant inflatable tunnels are designed with the very own team logo and name given, to represent the team in an unforgettable way as the step on the field under the bright-shining lights led by the roar of the home crowd supporting them in every step they take. The enormous 15 feet tall, 18 feet long Inflatable Helmets are great way to show the other team that you mean business, that your linemen are ready to give it all as they fight in the trenches and your backs are pumped, ready and hungry to represent their team with all that they have.
When it comes to making an unforgettable entrance and striking fear in the opponent even before the whistle is blown, there is no better way to do it than a Giant Inflatable Entryway, ranging from 30-45 feet long and standing proudly 20-25 feet tall, bearing the very mascot that represents the team on the top of the tunnel, always made to the very specifications given. It is nearly unforgettable for the players, as it is for our team here at IDG, when they step on the field through a giant helmet with their team beautifully represented on the Inflatable ready to hit the Friday night lights. Or even when the NFL playoffs start by the team running in through an enormous tunnel with the mascot on top breathing smoke on to the field and lighting up sparks as the captains step on the field.

Many NFL, NCAA and High School teams choose our professional team here at Inflatable Design Group, because we give it all we have and then more, from the Pre-Season to the final whistle, to represent your team with nothing but the best product available.