As you may know by now, there are more than a dozen ways for you to promote your business using custom inflatables. A really fun way to do this is with product replicas. If you can’t already tell, product replicas are essentially custom inflatables that look like the product your company sells to consumers. The numbers of types these are limited only by what your company has to offer to people. This is the sort of thing where you want to let your imagination soar.
In today’s blog post, we are going to talk about different uses of custom inflatables in terms of product replicas. We’ll give some hypothetical scenarios, as well as real examples. There are too many to talk about, so we’ll cover only a small fraction of what’s out there.
Let’s start with the very small. What I mean is point-of-purchase custom inflatables. Basically, point-of-purchase pieces are inflatables that aren’t necessarily larger than a human being in size. Let’s say you own a fast food shop that sells tacos. For your grand opening, you have a special promotion to show off the kinds of food you want people to try. You could have inflatable tacos and drinks to show where people can try them out at your promotional event. These inflatables are small compared to other types, but they are large enough to catch people’s eyes.
Another example of product replicas could be even larger than that. In fact, most examples of product replica custom inflatables tend to be larger than life. Our main web page actually showcases a few we’ve done in the past here at Inflatable Design Group. Imagine being at an event and seeing a gigantic Lay’s Classic potato chips bag towering over you. This would more likely draw your attention than booths without such a presence.
When you’re ready to get product replicas, it’s possible that you could get other products for an event to show where to find certain things. However, the best way to use product replicas is if they are custom inflatables. These kinds of custom jobs are best for companies looking to build brand recognition for better promotion.
Product replica custom inflatables are just one of many types used for advertising and promotion. They can be one of the best ways to get people to try a product. We’d like to hear from people who have used product replicas in their promotional efforts. What worked? What didn’t work? Please let us know in the comments section below
At least, that’s however advertising inflatables have an effect on your target consumers—they grab attention.!
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