You may be looking for some type of inflatable design to make eyes pop at an event you are hosting. You might have seen different inflatable design types that other people are using in different kinds of situations. To help you make a decision on the type of inflatable design you need, let’s explore some of the various types of giant inflatables out there.
One of the most powerful kinds of giant inflatable pieces are inflatables used for brick-and-mortar advertisements. There’s a wide variety of this type of inflatable that can have a huge impact on how people perceive a business.
There’s a smaller type that can be used in a smaller, closed space environment known as sealed point-of-purchase inflatables. These pieces aren’t so large that they need to be tethered to the ground. Examples of this inflatable design include giant cans of soda, beer bottles, or even huge yogurt cups.
Another inflatable design for advertising includes giant logos. These can be so big that they require being tied down into place. This kind of inflatable is perfect for a store to be noticed by people who are passing by. What’s a better way to get noticed than a custom, brightly colored inflatable billboard with your logo on it?
Yet another kind of inflatable design you can find are ones related to fun events that typically involve children. This category includes things such as inflatable bounces, obstacle courses, and even inflatable pavilions to cool you off on a hot summer day. You can’t go wrong with the kids with a bright blue inflatable beach style water slide, complete with a palm tree. Nothing says summer like the sound of screaming kids getting soaked, running around, and having a blast.
The last kind of inflatable design for discussion in this post includes sports inflatables. Essentially, sports inflatables are used at sporting events. For example, some football teams might include a special entryway for their team to enter the field. Imagine your favorite team running out of a vapor filled tunnel that is designed with their colors and mascot on display.
There are many inflatable design types out there for various needs. If you need a customer inflatable design, Inflatable Design Group is always available to give you a quote. Feel free to check out what we have. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please leave a comment in the comment section below.
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