Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How to Promote Your Team with Inflatable Logos and Mascots

Now that summer sports are upon us, a great boon for any sports team trying to promote their games comes in the form of giant inflatable logos and inflatable mascots.  Many different options are available, as well as angles of approach in implementing your choices in giant inflatables.  In today’s post, we’ll go over different ways you can approach your promotion with inflatable logos and inflatable mascots.

Whether you’re trying to promote a high school, college, or university game, giant inflatable mascots can work wonders for your promotional efforts.  The sheer visibility of one of these behemoths by itself is more than enough to draw a sizable crowd.  Who wouldn’t be just a little bit curious at the sight of a towering pirate, humongous bobcat, or a grimacing bulldog?

Giant inflatable mascots work great when they are tethered outside.  The goal is to attract people to the event by reminding them what their team means to them.  Children also play a significant factor in this since they may be the first to see the inflatable mascot and point it out to their parents.  Loyal fans might not want to disappoint their children by not spending time with them at an event they can bond at.

Similarly, giant inflatable logos play a similar role.  Your school’s logo represents your school.  When people see a giant inflatable logo at the location of the next game, it will spark an emotional reaction.  Feelings of loyalty, companionship, and community will well up inside them when they see their favorite team’s logo.  This is the power of the marketing principle called branding, which is the goal in creating logos and mascots to begin with.

There are a couple of ways you can get and use an inflatable logo.  One way is to have the logo by itself as a giant inflatable poised outside the sports event.  This is much like doing a mascot inflatable.  Another option you can take is to have your school’s logo imprinted on a giant inflatable arch or entryway.  An entryway with the team’s logo does more than the other options in that it is a warm welcoming gesture to excited fans.  When they walk through, fans feel that they are becoming a part of the team they came to see.

When you’re ready to have your inflatable logos and mascots custom made, check out our main giant inflatables website. Better yet, check out the different kinds of things we can do for you at our sports division website.  We hope you can make the most of your school’s sports promotions this season.  If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, feel free to leave a comment below, or contact us.

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